[uClinux-dev] Fwd: uClinux-dev Digest, Vol 20, Issue 1
DJ Regan
2013-10-09 05:07:31 UTC
Hi Chittari,

I am a recent subscriber - (newbie to list) so, my following theory may be
incorrect... but, that said...

Is it possible that mail traffic to the group has been slow and if there is
no message sent to the group, we will not receive a 'daily digest'?

Just a theory.

Hoping I am wrong...

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From: <uclinux-dev-request at uclinux.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 11:00 AM
Subject: uClinux-dev Digest, Vol 20, Issue 1
To: uclinux-dev at uclinux.org

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Today's Topics:

1. Need Help (chittaraiah pabba)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2013 18:01:50 +0000
From: chittaraiah pabba <chittaraiahp at ami.com>
To: "uClinux-dev at uclinux.org" <uClinux-dev at uclinux.org>
Subject: [uClinux-dev] Need Help
<00DE8410EF1E8148ABEDA156FA727A3CE28CDA3D at atlms1.us.megatrends.com>
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I am trying to change my e-mail subscription to get ucLinux development
tforum e-mails every day but I am un able to do that. Please help me to
change the my e-mail subscription options, so that I can receive ucLinux
dev forum e-mails every day.


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Gavin Lambert
2013-10-09 05:53:58 UTC
Post by DJ Regan
Is it possible that mail traffic to the group has been slow and
if there is no message sent to the group, we will not receive
a 'daily digest'?
That is correct. You will either receive one email per post or one email
containing all of the posts for any single day that has had posts, depending
on your subscription settings. You won't receive any emails if there were
no posts that day. (Although you might occasionally receive a password
reminder email unless you've turned that off.)

This list varies in message frequency -- it can be quite busy when there's
something to talk about, but otherwise can go dead for a while in between

You can check the mailing-list archives at
http://mailman.uclinux.org/pipermail/uclinux-dev/ if you're worried that you
might be missing messages. You can manage your settings from the "more
information" link at the top of the archives.
