[uClinux-dev] ☠yahoo! at long last
Norma Olson
2017-08-16 18:12:03 UTC

At long last my prayers were answered and they have published my e book, you can find more info about any of it here http://wsmprintingshop.co.uk/xe/vendor.php?ebea

Hugs, Norma Olson

From: uclinux-dev [mailto:uclinux-***@uclinux.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 1:12 PM
To: ***@yahoo.com
Subject: tristam

I have had north of 40 cars in my life and I pride myself in the fact that none of the cars I have had went to the junk yard because they blew an engine. I have had 3 Toyota Tacoma's, 3 Toyota Trucks, 2 4Runners, two Camry's, two Geo Prisms, 2 Land Cruisers and I have helped a ton of people buy used Japanese cars. I have had several Subaru's and several Honda's.

If it was made before 2000, use Dino. The newer fluids are fine, but OEM fluids are better. Synthetics can break down seals that otherwise don't suffer with old school oils. Read your manual and don't get talked out of what it says.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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