Albert Vélez Ortiz
2014-01-08 07:05:00 UTC
Hi all,
I'm currently using an old compiler (gcc 2.95.3) and I wanted to upgrade
it to a newer version. I'm using uClinux 2.4.20 on top of a STR710.
I tried to use gcc 4.3.1 with binutils 2.19 and uClibc 0.9.33.
The steps I followed are:
I've compiled the binutiles
I've compiled the gcc (make all-gcc) with the folloging configure chain:
../configure --target=$target --prefix=$prefix --disable-nls
--disable-shared --disable-threads --with-float=soft --with-gcc
--with-gnu-ld --with-gnu-as --with-dwarf2 --enable-languages=c,c++
--with-endian=little --disable-libgomp --disable-multilib --disable-shared
--without-headers --with-headers=../../uClibc-
--with-sysroot=$sysroot -v
Everything seems to work, but when I make "make all" in gcc i get an error
with libgcc. It isn't suposed to be built, isn't it? Anyone has an idea of
the exact versions and the procedure to follow?
Thanks for your help,
Albert V?lez Ortiz
Software Engineer ? R&D
Tel: +34 93 564 76 00 - Ext: 2418
Fax: +34 93 564 76 17
De acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley de Protecci?n de Datos de Car?cter
Personal, les informamos que los datos que figuran en esta comunicaci?n
est?n incluidos en un fichero automatizado propiedad de PARKARE GROUP,
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accesibles al p?blico o bien han sido cedidos voluntariamente por Vd. Para
el ejercicio de los derecho de acceso, rectificaci?n, cancelaci?n u
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domicilio sito en de Calle Vapor, 36, 08110 - Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona
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I'm currently using an old compiler (gcc 2.95.3) and I wanted to upgrade
it to a newer version. I'm using uClinux 2.4.20 on top of a STR710.
I tried to use gcc 4.3.1 with binutils 2.19 and uClibc 0.9.33.
The steps I followed are:
I've compiled the binutiles
I've compiled the gcc (make all-gcc) with the folloging configure chain:
../configure --target=$target --prefix=$prefix --disable-nls
--disable-shared --disable-threads --with-float=soft --with-gcc
--with-gnu-ld --with-gnu-as --with-dwarf2 --enable-languages=c,c++
--with-endian=little --disable-libgomp --disable-multilib --disable-shared
--without-headers --with-headers=../../uClibc-
--with-sysroot=$sysroot -v
Everything seems to work, but when I make "make all" in gcc i get an error
with libgcc. It isn't suposed to be built, isn't it? Anyone has an idea of
the exact versions and the procedure to follow?
Thanks for your help,
Albert V?lez Ortiz
Software Engineer ? R&D
Tel: +34 93 564 76 00 - Ext: 2418
Fax: +34 93 564 76 17
De acuerdo con lo establecido en la Ley de Protecci?n de Datos de Car?cter
Personal, les informamos que los datos que figuran en esta comunicaci?n
est?n incluidos en un fichero automatizado propiedad de PARKARE GROUP,
S.L. Estos datos han sido obtenidos leg?timamente o bien de fuentes
accesibles al p?blico o bien han sido cedidos voluntariamente por Vd. Para
el ejercicio de los derecho de acceso, rectificaci?n, cancelaci?n u
oposici?n, podr?n dirigirse en cualquier momento a dicha entidad, en el
domicilio sito en de Calle Vapor, 36, 08110 - Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona
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